PSMJ Resources, Inc.

With over 40 years of experience, PSMJ Resources is the world's leading authority, publisher, education provider and consultant on the effective management of architecture, engineering and construction firms.

PSMJ is your go-to source for powerful training, research, events, and advice for architecture, engineering, and consulting firm leaders.

Posts by PSMJ Resources, Inc.


Two Types of A.I.: “Weak” Vs. “Strong”

A.I. comes in two major categories, narrow or weak A.I. and general or strong A.I. The latter currently exists largely in theory. Narrow or Weak A.I. is designed and trained for..

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Are you making this strategic planning mistake?

Why an Outside Facilitator? Strategic planning discussions can be painful and difficult. They involve personal values and goals, deeply held beliefs about the nature of the firm..

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What’s the Future of AEC Design Tech? AI, Quantum Computing, and Overcoming Obstacles

In a recent episode of the Blueprints and Bytes podcast, hosts Jon Flynn and Ajoy Bhattacharya of Microsoft spoke with Frank Stasiowski, CEO of PSMJ Resources, to get his..

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If there’s so much confusion about what A.I. is, does it really matter whether a machine actually exhibits artificial intelligence if it does the job it’s asked to do? In many..

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The PSMJ 16 Shows the Latest Big Picture Market Movements

How is the A/E/C industry doing compared to the overall economy, and how can you apply stock price trends of publicly-traded companies to making better strategic decisions for..

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Considering Private Equity for Your Firm? Here’s What You Need to Know.

One of the most significant trends impacting M&A in the architecture and engineering (A/E) space is the growing role of private equity in transactions. What used to be the rare..

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Recent A/E/C Mergers and Acquisitions in the News

Here’s your look at some of the latest A/E/C mergers and acquisitions making headlines. September 18, 2023 – Horrocks (Pleasant Grove, UT) announced a strategic partnership..

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