Your enrollment includes PROVEN AND POWERFUL BONUS TOOLS for implementing everything you learn and becoming
an even more effective Principal -  faster!

More than convenient learning sessions loaded with practical tips and techniques, your registration includes the A/E/C Principals Bootcamp digital toolbox, an integrated suite of resources and loaded with Excel-based calculators, checklists, templates, up-to-date data, bonus training videos, and so much more. This $2000 value is FREE with your registration. 


• A simple but effective annual business plan template you can complete in less than 2 hours
• New hire cash flow impact calculator
•  PSMJ’s best-selling research report: “Best Practices for Strategic Planning in A/E Firms”
• PSMJ’s checklist for successful strategic planning including preparation, the retreat, and follow-up

• PSMJ’s 3-D model of the A/E marketplace
• Video: Why client feedback is essential – especially when it’s negative
• PSMJ’s most recent “Quarterly Market Forecast” on the 55 largest A/E market sectors (a $297 value)
• Video: What kinds of clients are NOT worthy of your marketing/proposal investments
• The latest PSMJ survey data on the relative profitability of various A/E markets
• Spreadsheet format to define which clients are “Strategic,” which are “Quality” and which are “Base”
• PSMJ’s proprietary Go/No Go app for deciding  which projects to pursue and increasing the odds of winning those you do pursue

• Excel template: Your firm’s organizational report card
• Spreadsheet of pros & cons of alternative organizational structures
• The best position descriptions we’ve seen for CEO and COO
• Format for an effective Authority Matrix
• Format for objectively determining the level of cooperation for each business unit
• Survey: Which of the 13 most important project management tactics do your PMs do?
• Diagram: The best (and simplest) method we’ve ever seen for evaluating PM performance
• 1-year license for PlanTrax, PSMJ’s easy-to-use Excel-based method of controlling budgets and schedules (a $297 value)
• Checklist: The 10 things you must know about your PMs’ projects
• Checklist: Ground rules for conducting effective project review
• Excel Spreadsheet: How many PMs does your firm need?

• PSMJ’s latest data on the 3 factors that drive profitability
• Word document (unprotected): Worksheet to identify your firm’s Intellectual Property and develop a strategy to take advantage of it
• PSMJ’s latest pricing data for the 9 largest A/E markets
• Excel template: PSMJ’s pricing model to optimize your profits in each major market that you serve
• Spreadsheet: How your firm stacks up on the 13 most important financial metrics

• Excel template: PSMJ’s model for managing utilization proactively (instead of reactively the way most firms try to do it)
• PSMJ’s most recent data on employee turnover in the A/E industry
• The most recent data on the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on employment and wages in the A/E industry
• PSMJ’s latest data that allows you to benchmark the effectiveness of your firm’s bonus program
• PSMJ’s latest data comparing H.R. policies of the most profitable vs. least profitable A/E firms
• Video: the difference between a “reward bonus program” vs. an “incentive bonus program”
• Video: How Burns & McDonnell (a perennial “Fortune 100 Best Places to Work” award winner) successfully recruits Millennials

• How to craft the worst possible ownership prospectus (i.e., how NOT to do it)
• Sample of a Share Appreciation Rights agreement
• Checklist of 73 terms that must be considered in your buy-sell agreement
• Excel spreadsheet to calculate the financial improvement your firm will achieve when you implement your Top 3 ideas and compute your firm’s return on investment from your attendance at this program

The A/E/C Principals Bootcamp Workbook loaded with all the slides used in the online training sessions (a $197 value)

Ongoing Career-Boosting Support: Up to two hours of one-on-one email and phone support with your course instructors, for a FULL YEAR after your live classes conclude (a $1,000 value)