There are good teams and poor project teams in every architecture or engineering firm. Everyone wants to be on the good teams and off the bad. But what makes some good and others poor?
What Identifies Good Teams?
Aim to foster these characteristics when you’re pulling your team together:
Team members assume collective and individual accountability.
The work atmosphere is “relaxed”—but still professional.
Locations and situations promote lots of discussion.
Both project and individual objectives are well understood.
All team members willingly listen to each other.
Most decisions are made by consensus.
There is always room for constructive disagreements.
Criticism is comfortable and not vindictive.
All assignments are made clearly and accepted willingly.
Internal leadership is allowed to shift from time to time.
Individual excellence is achieved but within a framework of cooperation.
There is commitment to a common goal (understanding of dependency and respect).
There remains a common sense of ownership in the success of the project.
Mutual respect and trust (good communication and humor) are the norm.
Everyone is on the same wavelength (communication).
Everyone wants to remain on the team and works with commitment.
The leader understands and promotes team dynamics at all times.
Project Team Leadership is just one of the numerous topics covered in PSMJ's recently released series of e-learning project management training courses for new and seasoned A/E/C project managers.