93 AEC Office Re-opening Plans and Policies: The Essential Post-COVID Guide Publisher: PSMJ Resources, Inc. Date Published: 2020 Number of Pages: 400 Availability: In-Stock Format: PDF Price: $247 |

Imagine getting REAL and CURRENT post-COVID-19 office re-opening plans from ACTUAL architecture and engineering firms. Plans you can cut and paste – and save HUNDREDS of hours of research… review… revision… not to mention headaches and aggravation. Now you can!
As you begin the process of returning employees to the office and gradually suspend many work-from-home arrangements, you face a host of challenges. From meeting state and federal recommendations, to keeping your workplace clean, to addressing employee concerns in a respectful manner while maintaining essential business functions, you’re navigating uncharted waters.
Let us help! At 400 pages and created just for A/E/C firms, 93 A/E OFFICE RE-OPENING PLANS: ESSENTIAL REFERENCE GUIDE provides you with curated and redacted office re-opening plans that save hours of work and thousands of dollars. You learn how to take employees’ temperature in the office, how to re-open safely, the problems you may be overlooking, and so much more!
You get:
• Sample Policies and Procedures
• Sample Rules and Considerations
• Sample Memos
• Sample Presentations
• Sample Guidelines and Protocols
• Sample Checklists and Flowcharts
Order your copy today and get everything you need to re-open your office safely and efficiently.