As a pioneering financial journalist, CNBC analyst and best-selling author Ron Insana has covered the most important economic stories of our lifetime over his nearly four decades on television. He also hosts The Market Score Board Report, a nationally-syndicated radio program. At A/E/C THRIVE, Ron shares his fascinating and actionable insights into economic forces shaping growth opportunities for A/E/C decisionmakers.
In an age of polarization, disconnection, and shallow substitutes for real relationships, every A/E/C leader needs to know how to build and maintain meaningful relationships with clients and teams alike in our hybrid reality. With years of experience interviewing established executives in business and innovation, Riaz shares his proven techniques for improving our ability to:
• Spark real, authentic conversations to make meaningful connections, personally and professionally
• Earn trust and build inclusive cultures, as you make your small talk deliver bigger
• Collaborate effectively by leading with assertive empathy
• Craft and tell compelling stories that will motivate your teams to take action
• Ask questions that create breakthrough moments in any conversation
This engaging experience is a candid and far-ranging look at how creative conversations can help you reinvent yourself, reenergize your teams, and further develop your A/E/C business.
In this inspiring keynote address, Dr. Jeffrey Rosenbluth shares his journey as both physician and entrepreneur developing products, programs and spaces for individuals with complex injuries and illnesses. See what it takes to level the playing field for all people when it comes to access, independence, lifestyle, and sports. Follow the unexpected journey of patients with total paralysis who now completely control their own physical environments and pursue their favorite sports with touch, voice, and breath control systems. Learn about the successes and struggles of deploying new and unproven technologies inside of a large healthcare system. Dr. Rosenbluth believes that disability culture is now changing rapidly and hopes that this presentation will spark ideas and inspire you and your teams to remove some of those last barriers in order for everyone to pursue life to the fullest.