PART 1 Establish Your Base Price: Keys to a Strategically Advantageous Valuation
TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2020 1:30 pm ET – 3:00 pm ET
Want to sell your A/E/C firm? An expert valuation is step one. In this opening session, learn how the most accurate A/E/C valuations are executed, including common myths that lead to bad outcomes, what you can do to improve yours, and unique valuation factors that separate our industry from every other.
- Establishing a firm’s value separate from any individual principal
- Using components of your valuation as negotiation tools
- Answers to million-dollar questions on valuation and transaction terms
- Addressing red-flags in your valuation
- PSMJ’s 2020 A/E/C transaction data and what it means for your valuation
- Weighted factors, like intellectual capital, that affect the results
PART 2 Put Yourself Out There: Find the Perfect Counterparty for Your Firm Sale
TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2020 1:30 pm ET – 3:00 pm ET
Armed with your valuation, it’s time to go to market. But where to start? Learn how to define your firm using five core positioning differentiators, the right (and wrong) ways to advertise without alerting employees, clients, and vendors to your intentions, and the cultural characteristics potential buyers are looking for. You’re not the only firm for sale – so you’ve got to stand out!.
- Essential elements of a confidential prospectus that rises to the top of the pile
- Writing a statement of purpose that attracts the right buyer
- Matching your market, location, and expertise to firms seeking to expand
- 12 questions that crystalize your firm’s unique position in your market
- Research tactics for proactively building your list of potential acquirers
PART 3 The Courtship Process: Maximize Opportunities When Your Firm is On the Market
TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2020 1:30 pm ET – 3:00 pm ET
You’ve got your list of principals to contact, maybe even started hearing from firms in acquisition mode. The fuse is lit – how can you be sure it won’t fizzle out, or worse, blow up in your face? You get crucial instructions for identifying and nurturing budding relationships that promise the highest possible upside for meeting your strategic objectives.
- What to say in your outreach letter to principals of a firm you’d like to buy yours (Letter template included)
- 3 common mistakes sellers make when reviewing offers
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) essentials and how to protect your confidential data
- Questions to ask buyers that predict cultural and post-transaction expectation misalignment
- What to do if you’re “ghosted”
PART 4 A Solution Close to Home: Meet Your Objectives With Internal Ownership Transition
TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2020 1:30 pm ET – 3:00 pm ET
Sure your smartest bet is an outside sale? Not so fast. It’s never too late to rethink internal transition as your best equity play. We’ll explain how to select successors, price equity stakes to overcome timidity, leverage non-traditional deal structures to get to closing, and mitigate tax downsides. Internal transitions have several key advantages and you want to be sure you’ve considered all the angles.
- Why non competes don’t work (and what does).
- 5 key drivers of every successful internal sale
- How to sell the next generation on the concept of ownership
- Addressing a difference in valuation expectations
- Structuring stock option plans that benefit everyone
PART 5 Win at the Finish Line – and Beyond: Your Deal Closing and Team Integration Action Items
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2020 1:30 pm ET – 3:00 pm ET
You have a letter of intent in hand. Great! But there’s still a lot of heavy lifting ahead, so don’t risk a crucial last-minute mistake or oversight that leaves hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, on the table. We’ll deep-dive into why A/E/C acquisitions fall apart late, share all-too-common nightmare scenarios, and give guidance on how to make sure each party’s post-transaction expectations are met.
- Hands-on valuation and negotiation skills
- Success secrets for running your firm while your buyer is conducting due diligence
- What to expect at the closing conference
- 4 ways to increase the chances of a successful integration
- Last minute deal closing roadblocks, and how to overcome them
